
For any team

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Revolutionize your budget with a SaaS purchasing solution that enables visibility into your stack and reduces your annual software spend.

Card 1

Supercharge your procurement team by leveraging expert negotiators backed by real pricing data from thousands of SaaS transactions.

Card 2

Outsource the tiresome process of negotiating and renewing SaaS to the experts, so you can focus on your organization’s security and compliance priorities.

Card 3

Don’t let the tools your team uses to boost productivity and efficiency also slow you down. Let us take the burden of buying and renewing SaaS off your hands.

For any company
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Take advantage of newfound time and resources. Free up your annual SaaS budget and team bandwidth.

Card 1

Take the complexity out of your tech stack and reduce spend, without interrupting your rapid workflows.

Card 2

Centralize your SaaS contracts across different countries. Gain visibility and control over your entire network.

Card 3

Minimize unnecessary spend and save endless cycles, so your people can focus on scaling up your business.

Geographically distributed

For Finance Teams

The average enterprise spends over $7,000 on SaaS per employee. As your company grows and utilizes more tools, it becomes exponentially harder to ensure that your stack remains cost effective, as prices continue to rise throughout each renewal cycle.

Data is the fundamental starting point to solving this problem — you need a clear understanding of your current SaaS spend, and how it stacks up against real market pricing data.

As a tech-enabled solution, our team leverages a wide data set covering real-time SaaS transactions and extensive market research.

This enables us to negotiate the best pricing on all your renewals, and identify additional opportunities to optimize your stack for increased ROI — like helping you remove any instances of duplication (more than one application that provides the same basic service) or finding alternative applications that will provide more value for your business.

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For Procurement Teams

Across your business, teams use a wide variety of tools to do their jobs. It’s time for the people who put those tools in their hands to have one of their own.

Vertice is an instant power boost for procurement teams large and small.

Our approach is rooted in pricing transparency. How often have you seen a SaaS company’s pricing page with no actual prices listed? And how often have you wondered what other companies pay for the same services used by your business? This is because SaaS pricing is largely driven by vendor sales reps.

Every negotiation we carry out on your behalf is fueled by intelligence. We utilize a broad database of transactions to determine fair pricing, as well as our intimate knowledge of how SaaS vendors across the market handle pricing.

Through one platform, we provide comprehensive yet easy visibility into your SaaS stack and spend. We track all your renewal cycles and streamline the approval process, saving you the complexity and time requirements of dealing with multiple different vendors across every stage of every deal.

In short, Vertice helps procurement teams work smarter, not harder, to save on SaaS.

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For IT & Security Teams

Strategic purchasing is a time-intensive process, from vetting and dealing with multiple vendors to staying on top of service renewals over the course of the year.

IT & Security teams should be able to focus on provisioning software, not procuring it.

In addition to streamlining the entire procurement process, Vertice makes it easy to conduct security and compliance checks. Through our dashboard, IT & Security teams can review all risk factors for a selected software or vendor before final signoff is given. All documentation can be conveniently accessed through our secure dashboard at any time.

By providing full visibility and insights into your stack, we help you determine where licenses can be adjusted based on your organization’s utilization, enabling you to optimize your SaaS spend.

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For Department Heads

Work tools are meant to boost your team’s productivity and efficiency. But the administrative work required to obtain and maintain SaaS applications is a major time drain, with multiple vendors to deal with, renewal schedules to keep up with, contract review periods, and in-depth security checks. At the same time, managing SaaS spend is a complex process that is better left to experts.

Vertice streamlines the entire software purchasing process and saves you money at the same time. We handle all correspondence and negotiations with vendors on your behalf to get you the best pricing on all contracts. The approval process is quick and painless. Internal stakeholders are notified when it’s time to review, and can make approvals in one click or flag any items that need attention.

Our dashboard makes it easy to find any new applications your team needs, or discover alternative tools that might be a better fit than ones you’re currently using.

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For Financial Services Companies

Worldwide, SaaS spend is projected to increase by 40% by the end of 2022.

There are a number of factors driving this continuing upward trend. As companies grow, they require more tools and more licenses. But the prices charged by vendors remain very opaque, leading to major disparities in how much companies are charged at the initial point of purchase, and how much their prices increase with each renewal.

The multitude of vendors and a universally complex purchasing process have made life substantially harder than it should be for finance and procurement teams. This causes inefficient workflows and leaves companies unequipped to approach SaaS procurement strategically.

Vertice transforms SaaS purchasing into an informed, strategic process, helping you maximize the value of your SaaS investments.

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For Software Technology Companies

Tech companies utilize more SaaS applications than companies in other sectors. This comes with a packed renewal schedule, a wide pool of vendors to deal with, and frequent requests for new tools — not to mention a high annual SaaS spend.

Vertice instantly transforms SaaS purchasing into a streamlined workflow. We consolidate all the information of your tech stack into one dashboard that tracks your spend and renewal dates.

To help you get the most value of your SaaS investments, we negotiate with vendors on your behalf to get you the best pricing for all your renewals and new purchases — saving your team the complexity and time requirements of dealing with multiple different vendors across every stage of every deal.

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For International Companies

SaaS stacks tend to be complex for global companies, with multiple licenses across multiple vendors and high degrees of duplication (having more than one tool for the same basic service).

Vertice brings your full SaaS stack together in one dashboard, providing comprehensive insights of your global SaaS spend and licenses. With this level of visibility, you can make informed decisions to consolidate your stack and instill greater harmony across the applications your teams use to communicate and collaborate.

Our team of experts negotiates with vendors on your behalf to get you the best pricing on all your purchases and renewals, and can help you centralize any contracts for applications you’re paying for in more than one country.

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For Fast-Growth Companies

While SaaS purchasing is a critical process, the process itself shouldn’t be a priority for your business.

Keeping up with your company’s renewal schedule is an intensive task on its own. And multiple SaaS vendors means multiple different contacts to negotiate with, varied approval processes, and very little time to evaluate how cost effective your SaaS stack could actually be.

Vertice takes all the heavy lifting out of SaaS purchasing, saving your business money and time at the same time. Our team of experts handles all correspondence and negotiations with vendors on your behalf, ensuring you get the best value in all your contracts.

With full visibility into your SaaS stack and spend, we provide you with the means to make informed decisions about your company’s software investments. We put these decisions into action, so your people can focus on scaling up your business.

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